PAGE 7 (Vocabulary 1)
A. Write the words from the boxt under the correct heading
Accountant = Finance
Technician = Engineer
Manager = Marketing
Recepcionist = Telephone operator
Director = Production
B. Work in pairs. Talk about your job or studies
I’am a student.
PAGE 8 (Vocabulary 2)
A. Complete the chart of countries and nationalities
Country | Nationality |
Brazil | Brazilian |
Germany | German |
Italy | Italian |
Russia | Russian |
Japan | Japanese |
China | Chinese |
Kuwait | Kuwaiti |
Oman | Omani |
Country | Nationality |
Poland | Polish |
Spain | Spainish |
Sweden | Swedish |
Turkey | Turkish |
France | French |
Greece | Greek |
The UK | British |
The US | American |
B. Tick the correct sentences. Correct the mistakes in the other sentences.
1. √
2. He is very rich.
3. Knight is married with three children.
4. √
5. Knight’s tattoo is on his left leg.
6. √
7. Knight’s office is full of objects from Asia.
8. Knights office is in Beaverton, Oregon.
PAGE 9 (Reading)
A. Read the article. Then complete the chart
Phil knight | |
Age | 65 years old |
Nationality | American |
Family | He is married, and his wife’s name is penny. They have two sons and one daughter |
Job | CEO of Nike |
Type of Company | Sports and fitness company |
Interest | In Asia especially Japan |
Page 10 (Language focus 1)
A. Complete the information about Ingrid with short forms of the ferb to be.
My name is ngrid. I am a graphic designer. I am German, and I am from Munich. I ammarried with two children. They are both in high school. Their school is near my office. My husband is an a engineer. We areinterested in travel and the cinema. My sister is an accountant.
C. Complete the chart about yourself. Then introduce yourself to a partner.
1. My name is Utami Wijayanti
2. I’m a student.
3. I’m from Bondowoso.
4. Nationality Indonesian
5. Interested in hiking and swimming
6. Favourite singing
D. Complete the sentences with negative forms of to be.
1. I’m not
2. They aren’t
3. He is not
4. I’m not
5. You aren’t
6. She is not
PAGE 11 (Language focus 2)
A. Write the jobs from the box under the correct heading.
A | AN |
Trainee | Accountant |
Lawyer | Executive |
Director | Optician |
Consultant | Architect |
Doctor | Engineer |
Pilot | |
PAGE 15 (Vocabulary 1)
A. Put the days of the week in order. Which days are “the weekend” ?
Friday = 5
Sunday = 7
Monday = 1
Thursday = 4
Saturday = 6
Wednesday = 3
Tuesday = 2
Weekend =Saturday and Sunday
B. Write the months of the year under the corret seasons.
Spring : March, April, May
Summer : June, July, August
Autumn : September, October, November
Winter : December, January, February
C. Complete the time phrases with in, at, or on. Then write the phrases under the correct preposition.
in | At | On |
In the autumn | At night | On 15th may |
In the afternoon | At the weekend | On thursday |
In June | At New Year | On Tuesday evening |
D. Complete the sentences with in, at, or an.
1. In
2. At
3. On
4. In
5. On
PAGE 16 (Reading)
A. What time does Michael dell..
1. Get up ? He gets up at 5:30 a.m. each day.
2. Do exercises ? He does exercises for an hour from 06:00 a.m.
3. Arrive at his office ? He arrives at 08:00 a.m.
4. Leave the office ? He leaves the office at about 06:15 p.m.
B. Mark each statement true or false.
1. False
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. False
C. Match the words in each box to make word partnerships.
Go | Running |
Play | Football |
Do | Exercise |
Travel | Overseas |
Meet | Costumers |
Spend | Time |
PAGE 17 (Language Focus 1)
A. Complete the article about Giorgio armani’s working day. Use the verbs from the box.
Giorgio Armani wakes up at 7 a.m. He walks to the gym and spends an hour there. He hasbreakfast and then goesto the office with his bodyguard. He has pasta and a salad for lunch and then he sleeps for 10 minutes.
He works until 8 p.m. on design and administration. He travels every two months – to the US, Russia or other parts of Europe. On his way home from the office, he often stopsfor a drink at Nobu. At weekends he goes to his villa.
B. Complete the information abut Patrick ross. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
I’m Patrick Ross and I work for an American securities company in Tokyo. I live near Shibuya, and I travel to work by subway. My wife is Japanese. She drives to work. We both like sports and travelling. We play golf at the weekend. Our two children go to an international school.
PAGE 18 (Vocabulary 2)
A. Match the leisure activities to the picture.
1. Running – D
2. Walking - C
3. Biking -B
4. Swimming - A
B. Complete the leisure activities below. Use words from the box. You can use each word more than once
Playing | Golf |
Watching | Tv |
Going to | CDs |
Listening to | Tennis |
Playing | Football |
Going to | The gym |
PAGE 19 (Language focus 1)
A. Write the words in brsckets in the correct place in sentence.
1. She usually gets up early.
2. They always start their first meeting at 9 o’clock.
3. We are never late for meetings.
4. I am often busy in the afternoon.
5. The office sometimes closes at 3 p.m.
B. Complete these expressions of frequency. Use words from the box.
1. From time to time
2. Now and then
3. Once a week
4. Twice a month
5. Every Sunday
6. Three times a week
C. Read the pairs of sentences. Cross out the incorrect words.
1. He always / sometimes reads the papers.
2. We usually / sometimes eat in the company cafeteria.
3. I usually / sometimes work late.
4. The manager never / sometimes go to business dinners at the weekend.
5. The company director always/ often travels on business.
PAGE 23 (Vocabulary Adjectives)
A. Complete these sentences. Use the Adjectives from the box.
1. Our employees enjoy having flexible hours.
2. The new sales assistant got a(n) fast promotion.
3. Marketing executives earn a(n) high salary at that company.
4. My colleagues are usually very helpful.
5. We want a(n) clean and well – furnished apartment.
6. Your office has got a(n) beautiful view.
7. Their old printer is broken, so they want a new one.
8. This invoice is incorrect; please can you send a new one?
B. Match the adjectives with their opposites.
1. Short
2. Light
3. Late
4. Fast
5. Dangerous
6. Small
7. Cold
8. Wide
9. Low
10. Hard
C. Make sentences. Use too or enough and adjectives from exercise B.
1. It’s too short / it isn’t long enough
2. The suitcase it’s too heavy
3. It’s too early
4. It’s too slow / it isn’t fast enough
5. It’s too dangerous / it isn’t safe enough
6. It’s too big / it isn’t small enogh
7. It’s too hard
8. It’s too low / it isn’t high enough
PAGE 24 (Reading)
A. Four people answered the question ‘what are the biggest problems facing your company?! Read their replies.
1. The first reply is about they need a spacious office.
2. The problem in the second reply is about change at work.
3. The problem in the third reply is about difficult people.
4. The problem in the fourth reply is about money problems.
B. Match the replies in exercise a with an appropriate heading.
1. Change at work - 2
2. Space problems - 1
3. Money problems - 4
4. Difficult people - 3
C. Find words in the replies which mean the following.
1. Rent
2. Crowded
3. Office
4. Changes
5. Team
6. Colleagues
7. Bills
8. Cash flow
PAGE 25 (Language Focus 1)
A. Work in pairs. Match the question to the answers.
1. She’s very efficient
2. It starts at 2 o’clock
3. In the city center
4. Because he has to pay for the office party
5. Peter. He’s your line manager.
6. You need to enter your password
7. 20 euros
8. You can leave at 5 0’clock
B. Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
1. Do you work at the weekend?
2. Does Pierre work in sales?
3. How do you often travel abroad?
4. How do you spell business?
5. What does mean this world?
6. When does the meeting finish?
C. Make negative sentences. Use don’t or doesn’t.
1. I like meetings, but I don’t like presentations.
2. Raj likes Fridays, but he doesn’t like Mondays.
3. We agree about most things, but we don’t agree about the budgets.
4. Susan sends a lot of emails, but she doesn’t sends a lot of faxes.
5. Alex and Connie speak Chinese, but they don’t speak Japanese.
PAGE 26 (Language Focus 2)
A. Make sentences about marco’s possessions.
1. Marco hasn’t got a children
2. Marco’s got two telephones
3. Marco hasn’t got a fax machine
4. Marco’s got a swimming pool
5. Marco hasn’t got a tennis court
6. Marco’s got a computer
B. Work in pairs. Talk about these two offices.
Office A has got a view of the high street. Office B has got a view of the mountains.
Office A has got a balcony. Office B hasn’t got a lift.
Office A has got very colorful walls. Office B has got white walls.
Office A hasn’t got a car park. Office B has got a large car park.
Office A has got a fax machine in next room. Office B has got a fax machine in the office.
Office A has got a large windows. Office B has got a small windows.
Office A has got an air conditioning. Office B hasn’t got an air conditioning.

PAGE 29 (Writing)
Telephone Massage
To : Wiji Adiya Utari
Name of caller : Hary
Date : 12th January
Time : 08:00 a.m
Massage : Change the schedule meeting from 12:00 a.m being on 02:00 p.m
Action : Call back if problems 0812 0807 1201
Signed : Utami Wijayanti
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