Subject, Verb and Complement

Definition Subject and Predicate

Every complete sentence (sentence that can stand alone) has a subject and predicate. The subject is what or who is talked about in a sentence or clause while the predicate is to describe something about the subject. Subject can be people, animal, object, or abstract concepts.

Complete Subject and Complete Predicate

Every complete subject basically built by one or more noun and pronoun with / without additional modifier(s) that can be in the from of article (the, an, a), and prepositional adjective phrase. As for the gerund and infinitive can also occupy the position of subject.

Complement predicate consisting of verb or compound (auxiliary + verb) with / without additional modifier(s) and complement (additional another word to complete the meaning of the sentence). Modifier used to be in the form of adverb and prepositional phrase. While complement can be in the form of direct object if verb can be used a transitive verb, or in the form of subject complement if verb used is linking verb.

Simple Subject and Simple Predicate

Simple subject form of a noun or pronoun single, with the override modifier(s). while the simple predicate is either a verb or compound verb single.

Simple Subject
Simple Predicate
His new car tax has already been paid by his assistant.
(Pajak mobil baru dia telah dibayar oleh asistennya.)
has been paid
·         his new car = (pre) modifier
·         by his assistant = prepositional phrase
The very big boarding school in this country was built in 1980.
(Sekolah asrama yang sangat besar di negara ini dibangun tahun 1980.)
was built
·         the very big boarding= (pre) modifier;
·         in this country = (post) modifier;
·         in 1980 = prepositional phrase
Open the door!
(Buka pintu!)
Pada kalimat imperative, subjek tidak ditulis karena dianggap sudah cukup dimengerti;door = direct object
His Uncle Cal will not arrive on time.
(Paman Cal akan tidak akan tiba tepat waktu.)
Uncle Cal
will arrive
·         his = possessive;
·         not = adverb;
·         on time= prepositional phrase
There was a hounted house.
(Disana ada rumah berhantu.)
·         there = adverb;
·         haunted = participle;
·         = article
Running may be hard for overweight people.
(Lari mungkin sulit untuk orang yang kelebihan berat badan.)
may be
·         running = gerund;
·         hard = adjective;
·         for overweight people = prepositional phrase
To travel is a bad idea.
(Bepergian merupakan ide yang buruk.)
to travel
·         to travel = infinitive;
·         is = linking verb;
·         a bad idea = subject complement
Compound Subject and compound Predicate

Compound subject consists of two or more noun or pronoun, without taking into account the modifier(s).
Compound Subject
Compound Predicate
Lia and Ana were eating our lunch and were discussing abortion on the kitchen table.
(Lia dan saya sedang makan siang dan membahas aborsi di meja dapur.)
Lia, Ana
were eating, were discussing
·         our lunchabortion = direct object;
·         on the kitchen table = prepositional phrase
The beautiful woman and her cute daughter arrived late but left early.
(Wanita cantik dan anaknya yang manis tiba terlambat tapi pergi cepat.)
woman, daughter
arrived, left
·         lateearly= adverb

Definition Verb

Verb is a word which serves to indicate the actions of the subject, shows the events or circumstances. English verb this is one of eight parts of speech.

Kinds of Verb
Explanation and Example
Transitive diikuti direct object (ask, bring, buy, etc), sedangkan intransitive (come, arrive, go, etc) tidak.
·         He sent me a postcard.
(Dia mengirimi saya kartu pos.) 
·         Cheryl often sneezes while cleaning house.
(Cheryl sering bersin-bersin ketika membersihkan rumah.) 
Pada bentuk regular (arrive, play, study, etc), past tense dan participle didapat dengan menambahkan suffixed pada base form sedangkan pada irregular (come, cut, swim, etc), caranya lebih bervariasi.
·         The item arrived late.
(Barang tersebut tiba terlambat.) 
regular: arrive – arrived – arrived
·         Some students came late.
(Beberapa siswa datang terlambat.) 
regular: come – came – come
Action verb (eat, listen, walk, etc) menyatakan bahwa sesuatu terjadi, sedangkan stative verb (love, need, want, etc) menyatakan kondisi yang cenderung tetap.
·         They walked hand in hand.
(Mereka berjalan bergandengan.) 
·         prefer tea to coffee.
(Saya lebih suka teh daripada kopi.) 
Finite verb (linking verb, auxiliary verb, etc) dipengaruhi tense dan subject-verb agreement, sedangkan non-finite verb (infinitivebare infinitive, dan participle) tidak.
·         You are growing up so fast.
(Kamu berkembang sangat cepat.) 
·         You’re growing up so fast. non-finite
Linking verb menghubungkan subject of sentence dengan deskripsinya.
·         She is young and beautiful.
(Dia muda dan cantik.)
·         You look gorgeous.
(Kamu terlihat sangat menarik.)
Causative verb untuk menunjukkan bahwa subjek tidak bertanggungjawab langsung terhadap aksi yang terjadi.
had my house renovated last week.
(Rumah saya direnovasi minggu lalu.)

Phrasal Verb

Verb is not always a simple form (one word), but rather may be in the form of the phrase the result of the combination with particle into phrasal verb (get in, make up, read over,etc).

Auxiliary Verb

Auxiliary verb is a verb that appears before the main verb (the main verb). Auxiliary verbs can be devided into.

Primary Auxiliary Verb (be, do, have)
Bedo, atau have berfungsi untuk menguatkan makna kata kerja utama.
·         He is working now.
(Dia sedang bekerja sekarang.)
·         Your payment has been received.
(Pembayaranmu telah diterima.)
Modal Auxiliary Verb (can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must)
Modal bermanfaat untuk mengekspresikan:
·         willingness (kemauan)
·         ability (kemampuan)
·         necessity (kebutuhan)
·         possibility (kemungkinan)
·         I’ll bring this with me.
(Saya akan membawa ini.)
·         We should meet up sometime.
(Kita harus bertemu kapan-kapan.)
Phrasal Modal (be able to, be going to, ought to, used to, etc)
Phrasal modal merupakan modal yang biasanya diawali dengan “be” atau “have” dan/tanpa diakhiri dengan “to”.
·         Dodi has to work on Saturday.
(Dodi harus bekerja di hari sabtu.)
·         My father used to have goldfish and koi.
(Ayah saya dulu memiliki ikan mas dan koi.)

The combined auxiliary and main verb is called verbs phrases.

Verb Voice

Voice useful to declare whether a subject of a sentence performs or receives the action. As for the divided into :
1.     Active voice : the subject performs the action (example: I have cleaned your thick book).
2.     Passive voice : the subject receives the action (example: The book was edited by Beatrice Sparks).

Moods in the English language, among other :
1.     Imperative: to give orders, warnings, advice, instruction, or request (example: Sit down! Don’t be careless).
2.     Subjunctive: to express unreal situation (conditional, wish, as if / though), requirement, or suggestion (example: I wish the teacher were nice to me).
3.     Indicative : to make a statement, argument, or question (example: The weather is cold)

Verbal, words that shaped from the verb that serves as a part of speech to another, consists of :
1.     ·         Gerund: serves as noun (example: I hate waiting).
2.     ·         Infinitive: serves as noun, adjective, or  adverb (example: To travel is a bad idea).
3.     ·         Participle: serves as adjective (your broken smile)

Definition Complement
Complement is a word or group of words that completes the meaning of subject, verb, or object. Thus, three kinds of complement, namely : subject, verb, and object complement.
The subject complement is a noun, pronoun, adjective, or another construction (acts as a noun or adjective) the follows the verbs of being or linking verb and serves to describe or refer to the subject of the the sentence.
The subject complement can be divided into predicative adjective (the subject is connected with the adjective), and predicate nominative (the subject is connected with the noun or pronoun).

Example Subject Complement
Mr. Mamat was a great headmaster.
(Mr. Mamat adalah kepala sekolah yang hebat.)
·         headmaster (predicate noun) = menerangkan subjek (Mr. Mamat)
·         agreat = modifier yang menerangkan headmaster
·         a great headmaster = noun phrase
That lady is very beautiful.
(Wanita itu sangat cantik.)
·         beautiful (predicate adjective) = menerangkan subjek (lady)
·         very = modifier yang menerangkan beautiful
·         that lady = noun phrase
These are yours.
(Ini milikmu.)
·         yours (predicate pronoun) = menerangkan subjek (this)
·         these = demonstrative pronoun
The noodle tasted delicious.
(Mie tsb terasa lezat.)
·         delicious >(predicate adjective) = menerangkan subjek (noodle)
·         the noodle = noun phrase
My favorite activities are shopping and traveling.
(Aktivitas favoritku adalah belanja dan jalan-jalan.)
·         shoppingtraveling (gerund) = menerangkan subjek (activity)
·         my favorite activity = noun phrase
His dream is to win a cooking contest.
(Impiannya adalah menang kontes masak.)
·         to win a cooking contest (infinitive) = menerangkan subjek (dream)
·         his dream = noun phrase

Verb complement is a direct object (DO)or indirect object (IO) of an action verb. These object can be either a noun, pronoun, or other constructions which act as noun, such as : gerund, infinitive, and noun clause.

Example Verb Complement
Direct Object
Indirect Object
My boss paid me two thousand dollars.
(Bosku membayarku dua ribu dollar.)
noun phrase
I love swimming.
(Aku suka berenang.)
She wanted to go.
(Dia ingin pergi.)
He discovered that creating a website is quite easy.
(Dia mendapati bahwa membuat sebuah website cukup mudah.)
noun clause

1. Mila and Yunda went to Botani Square Mall
2. Bulan watched movie in Theather
3. Affan reading a book in the library
4. My mother eaten friedrice
5. My father go to office by Train



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